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Our Mission

Our Mission is to enrich the lives of adults 50+ in Dorchester County by providing opportunities that enhance their wellbeing.

Our Vision

Our Vision is clear: to engage hearts, transform lives, and inspire joy. We envision a connected community of people that are provided platforms to express creativeness, encourage activeness, and spark independence.

Choose your Location

We offer two centers in the county with one being in Summerville and the other in the St. George area.

Faith Sellers Senior Center

Serving Lower Dorchester County

Zip codes 29420, 29483, 29484, 29472 and 29485

David Sojourner Senior Center

Serving Upper Dorchester County

Zip codes 29437, 29447, 29448, 29471, 29472, and 29477

This Months Schedule

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Feb 17

Hand & Foot/Canasta

Faith Sellers Center, Summerville

Canasta is a Rummy type game of melding that is played with two 52 playing card decks and two teams of 2.

Feb 17


Faith Sellers Center, Summerville

Dominoes is a family of tile-based games played with gaming pieces, commonly known as dominoes. Each domino is a rectangular tile, usually with a line dividing its face into two square ends.

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